Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Links of Interest

GENRE SALES NUMBERS: Pimp My Book is looking at sales numbers for various popular genres. A very general overview, but his lack of information on the specific makes his commentary less than useful for those in that market.


THE GOOGLE SETTLEMENT: Microsoft, Yahoo, and Amazon join in against the Google settlement.

CRAFT: Reasons and solutions to why you can’t finish writing that book.

PLOT/CRAFT: An excellent series of articles on story structure.

PROMOTION: What does and doesn’t make a good website.

PROMOTION: What is your online persona? This site analyzes all the places where your name appears online. Not surprisingly, mine is equal parts books and education, but I also have a solid presence in religion for no reason I can think of.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Thanks for updating links of interest. This is could be really useful for internet users...